First. Yee. Oh this my species? 👀
GameBoy, Nintendo DS, PlayStation, PSP, Sega Saturn, xBox.
Pc reassembled.
PC setup, fix, assembling.
Vehicle location software, developed in Visual Basic 6 with MSSQL database.
Graduated with 76/100
Independent iOS, Web and Gaming Projects.
• My first app on AppStore.
• Up to a peak 12 personal apps uploaded on the AppStore.
• Several projects on Web.
• Unity project on the way.
Website development. HTML, CSS, PHP, Photoshop, Illustrator, MySql.
Website development. HTML, CSS, PHP, JS, XML, RSS, Photoshop, MySql.
Website development for Fiera Milano. PHP, HTML, MSsql, Photoshop.
IMC: Web Developer JS, HTML, PHP and CSS.
TrustWebService: Creating JavaScript applications for web.
App development for iOS and Android.
Titanium Mobile framework.
Website development.
Use of JavaScript, HTML, PHP, CSS, Laravel 4, Blade template.
Native iOS app.
Widiba app, available on AppStore.
Continuing with new team an already started project.
• Learning investor psychology
• Market Trend
• Balance sheet
• Sector Rotation
Secondary School IT
• DApp
• Staking
DB and PHP job.
Developing of browser extensions.
Developing iOS app.